Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

This market strategy provides a market system analysis of the Apparel value chain in Ethiopia with a roadmap for capitalizing on market trends and opportunities.

Better HR System

Better HR System

This factsheet describes how an intervention designed to facilitate Human Resource Management (HRM) capacity building to improve worker satisfaction and factories’ retention levels.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Cotton Market Strategy

This market strategy provides a roadmap for increasing quality cotton production, meeting textile industry requirements, and creating a unique international brand for Ethiopian cotton.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Cotton Textile and Apparel Sector Strategy

This document gives an overview of the cotton, textile and apparel sub-sectors in Ethiopia identifying the constraints and opportunities toward a development strategy.

EIC Database

EIC Database

This factsheet outlines a new database system that improves the current recruitment system (sourcing, screening, grading and job placement) in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring data quality.

EP’s Green Growth Strategy & Impact Measurement Framework

EP’s Green Growth Strategy & Impact Measurement Framework

This document reflects on the overall green growth theory and practice in the global context of M4P. More particularly in EP, our interventions are designed to foster green business models and manufacturing support in Ethiopia’s transition to green economy. The document introduces the green impact framework and how those are captured.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Ethiopian Cotton Initiative

The goal of this proposal is to define and initiate the most cost-effective and efficient path for the creation of a sustainable and economically attractive supply of Ethiopian cotton.

Ethiopian Textile Sector Profile

Ethiopian Textile Sector Profile

This catalogue gives a comprehensive listing of companies in the Ethiopian textile sector including cotton producers, ginning factories, spinning factories, weaving, knitting, finishing producers and others.

Feasibility study on developing contract farming model

Feasibility study on developing contract farming model

This is a feasibility study on developing a contract farming model. The study was initiated by the Ethiopian Industrial Input Development Enterprise (EIIDE) to support the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry by providing input supply and working to ensure that agriculture and input producers have a stable market for their products, thereby improving productivity.

Financial Inclusion Sector Closing Report

Financial Inclusion Sector Closing Report

Closing report on the interventions from the financial inclusion sector including details from impact results, achievements and challenges faced since inception.

Financial Scheme for Workers (TATARI)

Financial Scheme for Workers (TATARI)

This document reviews ways to improve employee retention at factories in Hawassa Industrial Park through providing financial packages that enable factories to increase productivity and export sales while increasing income for factory workers.

High Value Crops Export

High Value Crops Export

This document shows how an intervention aimed to enable commercial farms to increase export of fruits and vegetable products from Ethiopia to international markets.

HIPSTER Project Assessment

HIPSTER Project Assessment

This document gives an overview of the regulation of different labour markets around the world and assesses the HIPSTER project against ILO’s fair recruitment regulation and also offers recommendations.

Human resource Assessment in Hawassa Industrial Park

Human resource Assessment in Hawassa Industrial Park

This one-pager summarizes the findings from the SUSA Report (find full version in this collection). It gives a review of successes, challenges and key findings, as well as action plans to navigate through labour related challenges in HIP.

HUMAN RESOURCE GUIDELINES For Ethiopian Industrial Parks

HUMAN RESOURCE GUIDELINES For Ethiopian Industrial Parks

These guidelines have been commissioned by the Ethiopian Investment Commission and Enterprise Partners to R&D Group and Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH to help factories in Ethiopian industrial parks deal with their mostpressing HR challenges effectively.

National Cotton Development Strategy

National Cotton Development Strategy

The document reviews challenges and sector trends and presents recommendations with the aim to achieve sustainable improvement in the Ethiopian cotton sector along the value chains.

Private Capital Advisory Facility (PCAF)

Private Capital Advisory Facility (PCAF)

A factsheet on an intervention aimed at developing vibrant investment advisory market, thereby increasing investments, improving deal-facilitation functions, and raising awareness and appetite for private equity in Ethiopia

Public Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Green Investments in Developing Countries

Public Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Green Investments in Developing Countries

Discussion paper on the challenges of mobilising resources, particularly from private and institutional investors to catalyze green transformation in developing countries. It discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these instruments and gives an assessment of their potential for a broader use. Additionally, the paper argues that more data transparency and quantitative research are needed to better assess the implications of the use of these instruments.

SMEFP Case Study

SMEFP Case Study

This case study discusses the technical assistance provided by Enterprise Partners for the effective disbursement of credit lines for small and medium enterprises.

Strategic Support for EIC

Strategic Support for EIC

Strategy document to build EIC’s capacity in delivering their investment promotion plans over the coming years and to increase the number and quality investments coming into the country.

SUSA Report: Assessment of Workers’ Satisfaction and HR Structure of Factories in the Hawassa Industrial Park

SUSA Report: Assessment of Workers’ Satisfaction and HR Structure of Factories in the Hawassa Industrial Park

An analysis report by Susa GmbH to understand worker’s satisfaction and HR structures in factories at the Hawassa Industrial Park. This report follows a series of recommendations to help improve working and social conditions in factories that address management and production issues. Key findings recommend an innovative approach that focuses on developing the capacities of both workers and managers for collaborative problem-identification and solution finding.

Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains

Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains

In this report, the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with analytics provided by McKinsey & Company acting as project adviser, joined forces to reconcile the concept of scaling a circular economy within the reality of a global economy. The key objective is to propose a very specific joint plan of action for industry leaders.

Women’s Support Services

Women’s Support Services

It highlights the importance of improving the knowledge and practices of women workers on health and nutrition, and creating positive gender relations with supervisors and management at the workplace.

  • Sector

  • Sub-sector

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  • Published in

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

This market strategy provides a market system analysis of the Apparel value chain in Ethiopia with a roadmap for capitalizing on market trends and opportunities.

Better HR System

Better HR System

This factsheet describes how an intervention designed to facilitate Human Resource Management (HRM) capacity building to improve worker satisfaction and factories’ retention levels.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Cotton Market Strategy

This market strategy provides a roadmap for increasing quality cotton production, meeting textile industry requirements, and creating a unique international brand for Ethiopian cotton.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Cotton Textile and Apparel Sector Strategy

This document gives an overview of the cotton, textile and apparel sub-sectors in Ethiopia identifying the constraints and opportunities toward a development strategy.

EIC Database

EIC Database

This factsheet outlines a new database system that improves the current recruitment system (sourcing, screening, grading and job placement) in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring data quality.

EP’s Green Growth Strategy & Impact Measurement Framework

EP’s Green Growth Strategy & Impact Measurement Framework

This document reflects on the overall green growth theory and practice in the global context of M4P. More particularly in EP, our interventions are designed to foster green business models and manufacturing support in Ethiopia’s transition to green economy. The document introduces the green impact framework and how those are captured.

Apparel Market Strategy (MS)

Ethiopian Cotton Initiative

The goal of this proposal is to define and initiate the most cost-effective and efficient path for the creation of a sustainable and economically attractive supply of Ethiopian cotton.

Ethiopian Textile Sector Profile

Ethiopian Textile Sector Profile

This catalogue gives a comprehensive listing of companies in the Ethiopian textile sector including cotton producers, ginning factories, spinning factories, weaving, knitting, finishing producers and others.

Feasibility study on developing contract farming model

Feasibility study on developing contract farming model

This is a feasibility study on developing a contract farming model. The study was initiated by the Ethiopian Industrial Input Development Enterprise (EIIDE) to support the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry by providing input supply and working to ensure that agriculture and input producers have a stable market for their products, thereby improving productivity.

Financial Inclusion Sector Closing Report

Financial Inclusion Sector Closing Report

Closing report on the interventions from the financial inclusion sector including details from impact results, achievements and challenges faced since inception.

Financial Scheme for Workers (TATARI)

Financial Scheme for Workers (TATARI)

This document reviews ways to improve employee retention at factories in Hawassa Industrial Park through providing financial packages that enable factories to increase productivity and export sales while increasing income for factory workers.

High Value Crops Export

High Value Crops Export

This document shows how an intervention aimed to enable commercial farms to increase export of fruits and vegetable products from Ethiopia to international markets.

HIPSTER Project Assessment

HIPSTER Project Assessment

This document gives an overview of the regulation of different labour markets around the world and assesses the HIPSTER project against ILO’s fair recruitment regulation and also offers recommendations.

Human resource Assessment in Hawassa Industrial Park

Human resource Assessment in Hawassa Industrial Park

This one-pager summarizes the findings from the SUSA Report (find full version in this collection). It gives a review of successes, challenges and key findings, as well as action plans to navigate through labour related challenges in HIP.

HUMAN RESOURCE GUIDELINES For Ethiopian Industrial Parks

HUMAN RESOURCE GUIDELINES For Ethiopian Industrial Parks

These guidelines have been commissioned by the Ethiopian Investment Commission and Enterprise Partners to R&D Group and Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH to help factories in Ethiopian industrial parks deal with their mostpressing HR challenges effectively.

National Cotton Development Strategy

National Cotton Development Strategy

The document reviews challenges and sector trends and presents recommendations with the aim to achieve sustainable improvement in the Ethiopian cotton sector along the value chains.

Private Capital Advisory Facility (PCAF)

Private Capital Advisory Facility (PCAF)

A factsheet on an intervention aimed at developing vibrant investment advisory market, thereby increasing investments, improving deal-facilitation functions, and raising awareness and appetite for private equity in Ethiopia

Public Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Green Investments in Developing Countries

Public Instruments to Leverage Private Capital for Green Investments in Developing Countries

Discussion paper on the challenges of mobilising resources, particularly from private and institutional investors to catalyze green transformation in developing countries. It discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these instruments and gives an assessment of their potential for a broader use. Additionally, the paper argues that more data transparency and quantitative research are needed to better assess the implications of the use of these instruments.

SMEFP Case Study

SMEFP Case Study

This case study discusses the technical assistance provided by Enterprise Partners for the effective disbursement of credit lines for small and medium enterprises.

Strategic Support for EIC

Strategic Support for EIC

Strategy document to build EIC’s capacity in delivering their investment promotion plans over the coming years and to increase the number and quality investments coming into the country.

SUSA Report: Assessment of Workers’ Satisfaction and HR Structure of Factories in the Hawassa Industrial Park

SUSA Report: Assessment of Workers’ Satisfaction and HR Structure of Factories in the Hawassa Industrial Park

An analysis report by Susa GmbH to understand worker’s satisfaction and HR structures in factories at the Hawassa Industrial Park. This report follows a series of recommendations to help improve working and social conditions in factories that address management and production issues. Key findings recommend an innovative approach that focuses on developing the capacities of both workers and managers for collaborative problem-identification and solution finding.

Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains

Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains

In this report, the World Economic Forum and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with analytics provided by McKinsey & Company acting as project adviser, joined forces to reconcile the concept of scaling a circular economy within the reality of a global economy. The key objective is to propose a very specific joint plan of action for industry leaders.

Women’s Support Services

Women’s Support Services

It highlights the importance of improving the knowledge and practices of women workers on health and nutrition, and creating positive gender relations with supervisors and management at the workplace.